F What the Universe Has to Say

F-What the Universe has to say…At the beginning of our yoga class, my instructor…

At the beginning of our yoga class, my instructor puts out these spiritual cards to help set your intention for your practice.  Supposedly the card you pull holds the information that the Universe/Your Inner Self/God is trying telling you.

Being the science nerd that I am, I don’t believe in that “woo-woo” hippie stuff. But when in Rome… I bite and grab a card.  It’s the Truth card.

I pick up the book that explains what the card means and read…(I’m summarizing here, so bear with me.)  It asks: “What is truth to you? What do you truly believe? This card puts you on notice that you need to align with what is really important to you and for you.”

The more detailed explanation of the truth card explain that this card brings to your attention to evaluate the past along with the lessons you’ve learned or still need to understand which will enable you to forgive, accept, heal so you can move forward with a balanced mindset.  The truth card reminds you that a significant change must be made in a certain area of your life.  Be honest with yourself and trust what you know to be true.

How cute I think. That explanation doesn’t pertain to me.  See. Universe mumbo jumbo.  So, I place the card back in the deck.

The next week, I grab another card from the deck hoping for something more exciting.  The truth card. Really? Again? I don’t bother to read the description because I remember what I read (and it still doesn’t pertain to me), place the card back in the deck and move on to class.  It’s been a rough day and I’m ready to stretch.

The next week, I enter class, pull a card and what do you know…truth card! WTF? Is this deck full of truth cards? I take a peek at the other cards; nope just one truth card.  Well it has been a few weeks since I’ve read the description, let me read it again. I may have missed something.

The truth card: “If you rely on what is truth for another, without believing it to be true for you, you may find yourself feeling slightly off course.

Nope…still doesn’t apply to me!  Nope…nope.

Next week comes and I don’t pull a card.  I go through yoga class, practicing the poses, releasing my tension.  I go home, pull out my box of my essential oils to put in a bath.  Only the tops of the bottles show so I cannot see the labels to know which essential oil I’m grabbing.  I grab the first one my finger touches because the bath is running.   Frankincense.   Not my favorite smell, but the bath is ready so I add a few drops and let the bathroom fill with scented steam.

And I begin understanding why I kept pulling the truth card.  I was lying to myself.  I was in the habit of telling myself that I was not good enough.  I was not worthy of all of the love in my life. That I was not worthy of success, of happiness, of forgiveness.  That I deserved all of the negativity, guilt and anger.

But truthfully, all of the negativity was a lie.  I have a wonderful life and I’m a good person.  The past is just that…the PAST and I’m ready to leave it behind.

After my bath (and truthful revelation) are over, I check my essential oil book to see the properties of frankincense.  The Oil of Truth…

Well sh*t…maybe the Universe DOES have something to tell me.

The next week I go to yoga class, and pull a card…

The change card: “Old patterns can be hard to break.  It’s time to let go and…don’t hold on to the past out of fear of the unknown.”


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